Qualification Standard

Authorising body: Ministry of Regional Development
Group of fields: Personal Care and Services
Occupation: Crematorium administrator
Validity of standard: From 29/4/2019
Qualification level: 4

Qualification Standard

Vocational competence Level

Basic activities and services of the crematory operator


Handling of human remains


Reverent handling of cremated human remains


Applying the basic principles of burying in the bereavement counselling


Orientation in the logistics and incineration technology


Creation of the crematorium operating rules and regulations


Keeping the prescribed records and documentation of the crematorium


Costs assessment of the incineration and services related to the operation of the crematorium


Following entities have contributed

The qualification standard was prepared by the Sector Council for other services. It has been established and licensed for this activity by the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic and the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic.


Entities represented in the following work group have contributed:

Unie pohřebních služeb z. s., Praha

Pegas CZ s. r. o., Praha

Ministerstvo pro místí rozvoj ČR, Praha