Qualification Standard

Authorising body: Ministry of Agriculture
Group of fields: Agriculture and Forestry
Occupation: Agricultural Machinery Mechanic
Validity of standard: From 21/10/2022
Qualification level: 4

Qualification Standard

Vocational competence Level

Use of technical documentation, catalogues and workshop manuals when operating and repairing agricultural equipment


Proposing suitable technologies in a livestock production


Keeping documentation on operation of agricultural equipment in a livestock production


Planning maintenance of equipment in a livestock production


Managing and mentoring workers in a livestock production


Providing for OHS, occupational hygiene and fire protection requirements when using agricultural equipment


Following entities have contributed

The qualification standard was prepared by the Sector Council for agriculture. It has been established and licensed for this activity by the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic and the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic.


Entities represented in the following work group have contributed:

Agrima Žatec, s.r.o.

Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Technická fakulta

Zemědělský svaz České republiky, Územní organizace Mělník

Mlékařské družstvo Česká Lípa