Qualification Standard

Authorising body: Ministry of Industry and Trade
Group of fields: Construction, Geodesy and Carthography
Validity of standard: From 18/8/2021
Qualification level: 4

Qualification Standard

Vocational competence Level

Visualization - converting drawings and documents into a 3D model


Preparation and use of 3D printing materials


Control of the applied technological processes and verification of the health and safety regulations for the operation of 3D printers


Production of moulds using 3D printing technologies


Maintaining the technological documentation, archiving and change management


Quality management for building components and buildings produced using additive manufacturing technologies


Adherence to manufacturing technologies in construction of buildings and building components


Management and maintenance of a 3D printer


Following entities have contributed

The qualification standard was prepared by the Sector Council for construction. It has been established and licensed for this activity by the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic and the Confederation of Industry of
the Czech Republic (the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic).


Entities represented in the following work group have contributed:

Materna Alois, prof. Ing. CSc., MBA,

VŠB - TU Ostrava,

Sokolská 15, 120 00 Praha 2

Tomáš Majtner, PhDr., Ph.D.,

Svaz podnikatelů ve
stavebnictví ČR,
Národní 10, 110 00
Praha 1
Ředitel Institutu SPS

Radek Hnízdil, Ing., PhD.,

ČKAIT, Sokolská 15,

120 00 Praha 2
Ředitel kanceláře Komory

Apeltauer Tomáš, doc. Mgr.,Ph.D.,
VUT v Brně, Fakulta stavební, Veveří 95,
662 37 Brno
Vedoucí Ústavu automatizace inženýrských úloh a