Qualification Standard

Authorising body: Ministry of Industry and Trade
Group of fields: Mechanical Engineering and Mechanical Production
Validity of standard: From 21/10/2022
Qualification level: 3

Qualification Standard

Vocational competence Level

Knowledge and comprehension of legal regulations and technical standards governing the area of copper piping in cooling systems


Knowledge and comprehension of project documentation of cooling systems piping


Soldering copper piping


Fitting piping systems with solder less joints in cooling installations and checking tightness


Adherence to OHS requirements when soldering


Following entities have contributed

The qualification standard was prepared by the Sector Council for dedicated equipment. It has been established and licensed for this activity by the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic and the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic.


Entities represented in the following work groups have contributed:

Svaz chladicí a klimatizační techniky

Školicí středisko CHKT a TČ, s. r. o.